Have you heard it said that it can be detrimental to your health to overwork yourself? I mean, maybe if Einstein wasn’t busy overthrowing Newton’s long-standing Euclidean interpretation of space and time (and chain-smoking like a motherfucker the whole time he was doing it), the dude’s freaking abdomen wouldn’t have exploded. Well, Spencer Krug and Dan Boeckner, the co-leaders of and furious-paced songwriters for Canadian indie rock mainstay Wolf Parade and at least a half-dozen other musical projects, must have suddenly realized how idiotically busy they are, because they are thinning out the work load before shit gets terminal.
As Spinner reports, while onstage in Toronto on last friday for their final scheduled North American tourdate for Expo 86 (TMT Review), Krug made the announcement that “this is the last show [Wolf Parade] will play for a long time.” How’s that for witty stage banter?
Boeckner, who told Spinner that he’s actually “going on tour [with the Handsome Furs] immediately after this,” later clarified Wolf Parade’s future plans with a post on Wolf Parade’s fan site, saying that all of those parading wolves are going on “indefinite hiatus” after “a few shows” next year. And who can blame them, really? We all know that Krug and Boeckner have their fingers in a lot of pies, so it’s not like they don’t deserve to shelve a project or two once in a while. Or maybe they just finally realized that “Wolf Parade” has become a really cheesy band name in 2010. Either way, really.
• Wolf Parade fansite: http://wolfparade.nonstuff.com
• Sub Pop: http://www.subpop.com