Haikus of the day by jamie the preetendrrrrrr circa XIIIIIII:
Got ourselves a bass
and his name is Devin Hoff
Remember that guy?
He's played on some tracks
A whole bunch of times before
Now he's in the band
He'll start touring soon
Caralee, me, Ches, Devin
That's us. We're Xiu Xiu.
Also, something else
We have a new split between
Xiu and W. S. Burns
Also, something else
XXL (us and Larsen)
Made a new album
That's the name of the album:
Also, something else
A new Xiu album next year
With lots of guest spots
Two guys from Deerhoof,
Followed by Howard Wiley
And Michael Gira
Also, one more thing
I'm on tour by myself soon
Please come and see me
Sinbad the Sailor
Suits up in bloody dogcow
Fits into my ZORP
Jamie Stewart Solo:
* Shearwater