In 1975, if you had told Klaus Schulze that the then-uncategorized music that he revolutionized and produced would 35 years later utterly saturate the underground music market, or that labels like Type, Weird Forest, and Editions Mego would come to exist and flourish, he probably would have thrown a bratwurst at you. Shit, if you had told him that people would still be muttering his name in relation to a relevant musical art form at this point in time he would have told you to verpiß Dich (never mind the sloppy translation). Not even he in his vast wisdom and synthetic foresight could have guessed that in this day and age, a solid 30 years after the heyday of kosmische music, we would have all these young folk making hyper-theoretical sonic wonderings.
Today it’s all about Sarah Lipstate’s Noveller project, easily one of the best examples around of something that could have easily stayed a Brooklyn living room side-project but has been brought to the masses (sorta) and with great success. At the very least, we love the shit out of her here at TMT. You can roll over to the Chocolate Grinder and scope out the video for “Alone Star,” a cut off her soon-to-be-reviewed-by-Tiny-Mix-Tapes album Glacial Glow on Weird Forest. I’ll go ahead and spare you from reading the review by telling you that we’ll really, really like it.
As you might have assumed, Noveller is also heading out on a stint of dates, this time bringing along fellow weirdo U.S. Girls. Get ready for some hardcore tuning out in a bunch of venues that I have never heard of.
Noveller/U.S. Girls dates:
06.11.11 - Arlington, VA - Queering Sound Festival Artisphere
06.13.11 - Hudson, NY - The Spotty Dog
06.14.11 - Northampton, MA - Feeding Tube Records
06.16.11 - Boston, MA - Aviary Gallery
06.17.11 - Montreal, QC - Suoni Per Il Popolo Fest Casa del Popolo
06.19.11 - Detroit, MI - Burton Theater
06.20.11 - Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle
06.21.11 - Madison, WI - Good Style Shop
06.23.11 - Lafayette, IN - The Black Sparrow
06.26.11 - Brooklyn, NY - Bruar Falls
• Noveller: http://www.sarahlipstate.com
• U.S. Girls: http://yousgirls.blogspot.com
• Weird Forest: http://www.weirdforest.com