Trent Reznor is certainly down with the kids! Last month, he announced the Nine Inch Nails iPhone App which “is a mobile window on all things NIN: music, photos, videos, message boards, even — thanks to a GPS-enabled feature called Nearby — the fans themselves.” These NIN-fanboys are now able to listen to all NIN albums ever released on their precious iPhones (with the added benefit of eavesdropping on conversations between other fans at NIN concerts).
The trouble is, as a pretentious, liberal, plant-eating TMT news writer, I don’t know whether to hate or love this news story. Should I rejoice in the fact that this is another kick in the teeth to record labels and their total inability to get the internet, or do I lament Mr Reznor’s never-ending pursuit for more profit?
It’s a tough life writing for Tiny Mix Tapes!