Sponsored: Win two tickets to Leeds Festival 2015 courtesy of Hunter and Mainline Menswear By Sponsored Post · July 26, 2015
FatCat relaunches post-classical imprint 130701 with a new album by Dmitry Evgrafov By Reed Scott Reid · July 21, 2015
Chicago-based guitarists Ryley Walker & Bill MacKay to release “Land of Plenty” through The Whistler By Marty Slattery · July 17, 2015
3 Thurston Moore collaborates with Bernie Sanders campaign on new song, offers free vinyl to campaign contributors
5 Rudy Stone announces new album “The Blinking Light/Peace on Earth,” premieres video for album track “Rudy’s Dream”
2 John Peel’s record collection soon to be made available online as virtual museum… those poor BBC interns