Career Crooks Good Luck With That

[URBNET; 2017]

Styles: review noir, Zilladelphia soul, psychogeography
Others: Curly Castro, Large Professor, C.E.B.

Cracks. That’s what it all comes down to, the security guard concludes, two-thirds into an eight-hour shift watching his City’s most popular monument. It’s not the site itself — just another roped-off section in an otherwise nondescript park. It’s not the fall — most of the tourists and schoolchildren lining up to see this thing won’t remember learning how or when that happened. The crack, though — that, they’ll remember. Like everybody’s base-head uncle.

Fatima Al Qadiri satisfies eternal appetite for creative teamwork with upcoming Shaneera EP on Hyperdub

Fatima Al Qadiri satisfies eternal appetite for creative teamwork with upcoming Shaneera EP on Hyperdub
Obviously, Al Qadiri has amazing hair, and she's absolutely on fire.

It’s the nature of the music producer to collaborate — probably because they spend so much of their waking lives demoing new plugins, optimizing the brightness setting on their DAW, and bathing in hot tubs full of cold, hard cash that they don’t have any time to make friends. Take Fatima Al Qadiri, for instance, who has become a collabo-pro in the last few years with projects like Future Brown and, now, her just-announced new EP called Shaneera.

Talibam! announce US tour dates, decide to get started TODAY before the end-times get here

Talibam! announce US tour dates, decide to get started TODAY before the end-times get here
Avengers: Assemble!

Welcome back, Talibam! fans!

♫♪  Radiohead - “Lift”

Radiohead have released a video for “Lift,” the formerly unreleased OK Computer-era track “Lift.” To celebrate, let’s revisit Robert Christgau’s “Dud of the Month” from 1997:

Widowspeak Expect the Best

[Captured Tracks; 2017]

Styles: Americana, shoegaze, dream pop
Others: Mazzy Star, Westworld

The great marvel of the past is how malleable its shape becomes in the hands of both artists and revisionists, abrading the old guard, chipping away at stubborn monoliths until they give out, easy as sand through the fingers. Brooklyn’s own Widowspeak are riddled with ghosts, hovering between each breath, every reverb-soaked gesture.

Hype Williams Rainbow Edition

[Big Dada; 2017]

Styles: repetition, repression, regression, catharsis?
Others: Frantz Fanon, Frank B Wilderson III, Saidiya Hartman, Hortense Spillers

Lithe feline rises to meet stately dog. They touch only in their separation. What would be the division of the whole becomes division’s amelioration, peace, only by the addition of their bodies that in other contexts might be selling shoes. The LGBTQ+ rainbow becomes an additional cage. Almost logos, the animals are trapped and enslaved by the bars their own bodies connote. Division itself fractures and fragments, all the while displaying its opposite with its own face.

♫♪  Michaelangelo Green - Neomatrix

Inside is a white light, like a dream, the color of hands reaching out to shield the ominous glare, but it burns the eyes from all angles and is impossible to barrier. This white light radiates of crystal shared and embedded within, fragmenting blaring, pure refracted 8k+ rays. These crystals are jammed inside bone and flesh, protruding and dripping off their last droplets of blood, nearly cleaning themselves with the light they bare. Upon the forehead of this great beast, a triangle beams these rays into America, translating hope into internal damnation of a dream.

♫♪  Kyle - “Never Forget”

Something that struck me recently was from Billy on the Street when Billy was interviewing this girl, who had toured the Freedom Tower earlier that day, from the Mid-West, and turned out to be super Catholic, to which Billy called out for being a virgin in the 9/11 memorial, but also he recalled never having been there. If you live in New York City, there’s really no reason to just be like, “Yo, let’s goto the Freedom Tower and 9/11 memorial this weekend. *Smile Emoji*” Unless it’s the anniversary.

Liars TFCF

[Mute; 2017]

Rating: 4/5

Styles: acoustic, electronic, field recordings, vaporwave?
Others: Matthew Revert, early Beck, nature itself


Björk’s new album reportedly slated for November

Björk's new album reportedly slated for November

Put down that Björk fidget spinner, and listen up!

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