Cold Showers truck in that early 80s sound you’ve maybe heard about (understatement of 2015, for sure), yet they approach it from such a broad perspective you’ll be helpless to deflect their all-or-nothing vibes. Each song goes BIG, dramatic, and wide-screen. It’s a Cure thing, perhaps, loaded up in a bigger gun and shot straight into the sun, but whatever its creators specifically had in mind, Matter of Choice just plain WORKS. It works hard, at that. I can imagine these blokes playing the main stage at Fun Fun Fun someday if they keep working it and hone their chops over the years a la Cut Copy. Something about that new romantic gist gets the masses all wet with anticipation. Obviously Cold Showers have integrity but it never hurt to make a buck or two, right? My favorite cut is “Only Human,” choppy and blessed with the rhythmic momentum of a dump truck. The muted guitar hooks at the beginning are so simple, yet I challenge you not to repeat them in your head once the vinyl stops spinning. This track is but a drop in the ocean though. Matter of Choice is as solid as they come, compelling from start to finish and produced to a shimmering boil. (***If you find Matter of Choice to your liking be sure to check out the “Plantlife” single, which contains two b-side tracks you’ll want to hear as much as the material on this full-length.)
More about: Cold Showers