For a guy whose label is releasing something like 13 cassettes and vinyls right now Zach Phillips knows how to search out the deepest corners of the cobwebbed attic that is his head, always allowing time for what’s important. New Cartoons is another sicker-than-sick tape from this fucker, and like each one before it, it’s my favorite-so-far-even-though-I-say-that-every-time and stuff. But you probably knew that already. But would it interest you to know Phillips’ lyrics and songwriting display more maturity this time around? Or that despite this progress, he’s still the edgiest piano-tinkling fool in the tape game, tweaking all sorts of nipples, often in ways I can’t rightly identify… It’s the most whimsical music you’ll find that also has a complicated, shot-out component to it, not to mention the fact that Phillips is well-versed in theory and teaches piano lessons and so forth. What’s scary to me is New Cartoons hews close to The White Album in spots; so much jaded beauty to be found, and I’m horrified many of you will never get the chance to hear it. Let’s change that, starting NOW: Listen to the sound sample doubtlessly included below, and visit good ol’ Phil-lipz himself over at OSR Tapes. He’ll be expecting you!
More about: Zach Phillips