The backlash toward a blog or the strange looks attracted by Blanche Blanche Blanche matters not to Zach Phillips, which is what makes Recorded in Hell all the more fascinating. A sequel only in the spectral limits of the cassette and instrumentation itself, Phillips’ latest solo tape is a great look at the broken spectrum of pop music. The creativity comes in short bursts, proving any idea deserves a bit of timed exercise. Recorded in Hell is in fact an expansive release considering its mere 30-minute length. It exists in the land of tossed off-Sentridoh, throwaway Matthew Friedberger, and Trachtenberg Family Slideshow follies. Grand in style, reserved in execution, which is why its listening value is infinite. As everything blends, you’ll find the sections and songs to pick out from the happy mire to focus attention until a new nuance or sound drags you by the ear. Pop renewed anew!
More about: Zach Phillips