♫♪  Angelo Harmsworth & Theodore Cale Schafer - Japanese Whisper

Small windows open unto night, lit from behind; a city.

O island city of the sun
O daughter of snow mountain
O coral-tree blossom
O forest of wishing-trees
O refuge from the world

—Eliot Weinberger, “From a Hymn to the Goddess of the Three Cities”

Later, they lie in bed, and face away from each other. A car, there, outside, white and gleaming; illuminated.

To stand by the window, to touch the glass, to draw it out.

She rests her head against the grey pattered wall. Light falls on her dark hair from a single glowing bulb. And them: a white telephone, a black telephone, their coils curled. They come home, alone, to nobody.

A remote control rests, poised, by an empty glass ashtray. And, high on the hill, a pastel motel flickers amongst dark trees. Zaza Bertrand’s Japanese Whispers flutters open on the table. Japanese Whisper floats, back and forth, through the window via angoisse.

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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