♫♪  De La Soul - “Get Away” ft. The Spirit of the Wu

This post should read something like:

Because De La Soul and the Wu-Tang Clan are two of the most popular rap groups of the 90s, merely using their names together in a sentence is enough to send hip-hop fanboys into wild episodes of thumb-sucking and convulsion. However, the two superpowers have only united on record once, with Pos and Dave rapping alongside Ghostface Killah for “He Comes” off 2004’s The Grind Date, and unfortunately, this collaboration resulted in a minor falling out, as documented by Ghost in “Tony’s Money.”

While “Get Away” only features “The Spirit of the Wu,” not the actual clansmen, hearing Plug 1 and Plug 2 trade verses over the Wu-Tang Forever intro should be enough to make any hip-hop head excited for their forthcoming album, You’re Welcome, due late fall.

But what I really want to say is: HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!pos#U4Q2QU834R- `V843ER [A]][][})(*& )%&#$(*q-90 46wj lgkja;o dfiopfvaby98dave8q 34249051 451 KL:J:LDFKJS L:erup23maseo4v 15014. Thank you!

• De La motherfucking Soul and don’t you forget it, lickle bitch: http://wearedelasoul.tumblr.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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