Oh, now see??? These guys do it RIGHT.
If you’re any kind of fundamentalist hip-hop fan, and your memory is in decent (read: better than mine) shape, you’ll no doubt recall a little over a year ago today, when we brought you the excellent news that legendary Long Island trio De La Soul were officially rolling out a new album (their first in a dozen years) after quickly reaching their fundraising goal on a Kickstarter campaign.
The resultant album, featuring a barrage of guest artists and titled And The Anonymous Nobody, was originally slated to be released just the other day, on April 29. But alas, according to HNHH, what appeared instead was a message to all the backers stating that the release date would be pushed back to August 26. “We have a lot of featured artists on this album,” the group says in the letter. “So with that being said, we have to get permission from their labels, and that takes a little bit of time. As well as our attorneys speaking with their attorneys and drawing up agreements and contracts.” Needless to say: bummer for those 11,000 backers. Albeit an understandable one.
But because they’re all-class, instead of just postponing the record and leaving at that, the trio also announced a few pieces of good news. First, the album’s first single will be out “this summer” and will feature none other than Snoop Dogg. And second, they shared a bonus EP, containing four songs that didn’t make the final album cut! (Guessing there’s not too many of those legally-pesky “featured artists” on these tracks.) It’s knowingly titled For Your Pain and Suffering, and you can check it out down below.
See, all you damn Kickstarter-album bands?? It doesn’t take much to keep things copacetic. A little honest communication… maybe, a freebie or two… and all is forgiven! Right?
I said, “Right?”?
More about: De La Soul