Put on Pronunciation and prepare yourself for nothing.
Do not prepare. Nothing to prepare.
“Here goes nothing.”
Press play and enter the room in which Gabi Losoncy and Allen Mozek made it. Hear its corners and its open spaces in the mix. They were sitting (standing) in a room, different than the one you are in now. They were recording the sounds of their speaking voices, guitar, previously recorded cassette tapes, cornet, drum machine.
Time moves and Good Area moves between sound sources. You can’t tell time. You are left in your room, or outside, in the kitchen, in your own area, and you are scratching your head. Your loved one looks askance across the bed, not knowing what to make of you, but you do not turn down the sound.
How “progressive” can music be without technique? Good Area laughs at the question. A voice from a tape deck says: “This much.”
How “free” can music be without caring? As the limit of fucks given [f(g)] approaches zero, the asymptote labeled [ ƒ®∈∈ ] shoots across the plane toward infinity. Freedom fills the room. You imagine you can smell the freedom. No one has the heart to tell you that what you actually smell is turpentine. Ignorance is hiss.
Good Area’s Pronunciation cassette came out on Hanson Records. You can buy it here. You will no longer be able to find their LP on Kye Records called French Antarctica anywhere for, like, cheap, if you live in the United States, but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.
• Hanson Records: http://hansonrecords.bigcartel.com
More about: Good Area