Two days ago, I dropped DT006 into TMT’s music database. An hour later, I came back and four writers were listening to JOHN DOPE / TOP$, so I joined and made five. It was a tight vibe that all these people were feeling the JOHN DOPE preach on side-A and TOP$ sound logic on side-B. DOPE going in on the post-cypher verse with a boom-bap that constantly one-ups itself, layered in culture and society and the day-to-day shit. And entombing the same vibe Kool Keith and L’Orange fucking with this year. TOP$ of course just slaying any claim of his music being strictly “beat” eccentric, as he drops bits of psychedelia by-way of collage, in addition to the warped mindset one gets merely trying to follow along. But really, JOHN DOPE / TOP$ just another paramount staple on the Dirty Tapes discography and home-team. Someone gotta keep that rythm. One-two-one-two:

• JOHN DOPE: https://soundcloud.com/johnfuckingdope
• TOP$: https://soundcloud.com/topsdollarsign
• Dirty Tapes: http://dirtytapes.tumblr.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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