♫♪  Rick Ross - Barack Odama

Yeah, you play left field. No, don’t pick the grass. Do your job. Get paid in green. Make a mess for creativity’s sake. Saké is good warm, sucker. Don’t be sippin’ ya rice wine cold. Be a part of separation. Micromanaging the weeds becomes two hours worth of iPhone fuckery. If only bandwidth could be physically set on fire. Captain. Commander. Rosé? Rozay? It’s a bolder outta control. Russia is into it. Flexibility trumps perfection, yo. The dynamics of life involves activity without direction. Focus yourself in the way of imagination and relativity. Ignorance is bliss says [ _ // _ /__]. Challenge twice a thought; double your mind’s capabilities. Capture everything literally. Engage with what you feel should be done. Yank a chain. Identify. Feel the bliss of Rick Ross (a.k.a. Kyle Logan). Barack Odama cassette is available for pre-order soon on Number4Door. Discovery: hi!

• Rick Ross: http://rickross.bandcamp.com
• Number4Door: http://number4door.bandcamp.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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