Wasn’t spring great? I know it’s technically over and all, but it still feels like it’s going on to me, so I’m gonna run with that. Spring (don’t you sass me!) is that time of year when the beat-slingers start piling up release after release, shaking off the cobwebs of dormant winter months and sharing their excavations with the world. And here’s some proof. Pulling together every button slapper from their twenty-deep roster, the collective known as Rootnote has got the goods for you with loads of diverse yet deeply rooted (couldn’t resist) tracks. If variety is the spice of life, then be prepared to build a spice rack.
Stream it below, or pay a measly two bucks to own the whole thing (but can music really be owned, man?).
• Rootnote Collective: http://rootnotecollective.bandcamp.com
More about: Various Artists, Various Artists: Rootnote Collective