Eventually, darkness will consume us all. No matter how hollow your superficial shit deepens itself in a wallow of weeks-old wading milk (what; all for the sake of alliteration). Bath tubs filled with unimaginables. Casinos left empty. Funds applying to pieces that are of no consequence to future intent. Don’t matter how well you word it, if you’re calling yourself a D-List celebrity, you’ve already become a meta-ghost in a world of opinion that matters as much as, “Get outta the fucking way, I gotta get home and enjoy my life!” It’s chill. Let it all eat you alive.
Slowly, life always recollects itself, and I’ve always found solace in Dirty Beaches’ music and videos. Above is the Dirty Beaches a teaser video (shot by the beach dirtier himself, Alex Zhang Hungtai) from the upcoming instrumental album STATELESS “COMING SOON, FALL 2014” via Zoo Music Records. It’s been a minute since his FIRST fully legit INSTRUMENTAL album, which was a pink tape on Night People records, and totally dope and darker than any meta-self absorption you can muster up. Keep on the look out for that good-good..
• Dirty Beaches: http://www.dirtybeaches.bandcamp.com
• Zoo Music Records: http://www.killzoomusic.com
More about: Dirty Beaches