Junk food is typically the most common comfort food. Nobody can describe the inexplicable nature of enjoying something so trashy to another who despises it. It’s like explaining a color to someone who’s entirely blind of all fragmented light. Or telling another how a Twinkie taste who’s 1,000,000% diabetic. So, when I get my fix of Indian Jewelry, it’s practically an O.D. on guilty pleasure.
In the track “VAST DIVISION” alone, Indian Jewelry continues with such a succulent low-end bass-line followed by stark guitar echo pinned with raw drumming, trailed by alien synthetics that the vocals are just another part of their comfort coalescence. Then flip to the video for “VAST DIVISION” and melt a visual that traps itself within a news-room green-screen acid trip that is taken as seriously as the effects can be felt as “real.” Then there’s a tingle to repeat. But you find out there’s no more Indian Jewelry? Is this correct? If so… for more on the future of Indian Jewelry click here. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY?
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