♫♪  Zac Nelson - “Some Are This” (Official Audio) & “Weak Robe”

So, Zac Nelson has been fucking with sounds throughout the years. Even a stint with James Ferraro, if I’m not mistaken. Been in some deep label lineage and discographies. Gets on the LP, CD-r and CS train, the like. And then you hear “Some Are This” and immediately (negatively) question”WHY?” There’s really no reason for Zac Nelson to sound like Animal Collective indie-ische. But think of the title: “Some Are This.” Then recognize the flagrantly marketable credibility of the (Official Audio)’s video in term. Zac Nelson is just toying with us, no? It’s an admission, if you will, that an album of his won’t always reach realms you’re wanting to drift toward because “Some Are This.”

Then Zac Nelson comes in with the “Weak Robe,” wielding a kick-in-the-head beat that’ll berate your need to nod along. Nobody will ever listen to the music you listen to, so enjoy with caution, dear listener. As even Zac Nelson can progress that television commercial sound you dread during ever sponsorship break. Flick off the mute button. Learn something from a master crafter. Zac Nelson is adorning a “Weak Robe,” and is looking to smash. Find his newest bit on Styles Upon Styles Records for the full effect.

• Zac Nelson: https://soundcloud.com/zac-nelson
• Styles Upon Styles Records: http://www.susrecords.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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