Mix Tapes

I love you, but I have a boyfriend and he won’t let me go

Songs with Long Titles

I am a 34-year-old college sophomore

Songs Telling Awesome Stories


I am not a witch. I’m you.

Nobody gets less laid than me

Mixtape to listen to while reading year-end lists

Portland, I love you, but you’re bringing me down

She wants a macho guy, and I’m like 130 lbs and everyone thinks I’m gay

I’m falling out of love with him, and it’s stormy outside: COMFORT ME

I Feel Empty Because I’m Apathetic About Life and I Just Want Love

An awesome queercore mix for the lonely queer kid I am

Songs to listen to while floating underwater

Strippers like good songs, too

I really liked this song, but I hate you for so many things; you ruined it for me. You ruiner