Blackest Ever Black preps dark, scary new release from Barnett + Coloccia (members of Oakeater, Mamiffer)

Blackest Ever Black preps dark, scary new release from Barnett + Coloccia (members of Oakeater, Mamiffer)

“Dark and scary, ordinary /
Explanation, information /
Nice to know ya, paranoia /
Where’s my mother, biofather?”

— Blink-182, “Aliens Exist”

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may because a SYNONYM FOR “DARK” new record is on the horizon for Blackest Ever Black. This latest release pairs Faith Coloccia (of Mamiffer and Everlovely Lightningheart) and Alex Barnett (of Oakeater) for their collaborative debut under the totally predictable band name Barnett + Coloccia. The album’s called Retrieval. All signs indicate that this record, out on LP December 2, will be of a piece with the consistently high quality, SYNONYM FOR “DARK”, and SYNONYM FOR “SCARY” music we’ve come to expect from those rascals over at Blackest Ever Black.

Though Barnett and Coloccia live several thousand miles apart, the bulk of the recordings came about as a result of “condensed in-person meetings,” because, all things considered, composing by way of online file sharing is really not SYNONYM FOR “DARK” or SYNONYM FOR “SCARY” enough. Combining treated vocals, tape-manipulation, AM radio sounds, synths out the wazoo, and drum loops so SYNONYM FOR “SCARY” your jaw will drop, over a series of short and intense sessions, they arrived at Retrieval. The album is reportedly a big-ole-grab-bag-pile of everything from techno and psychedelia all the way into straight noise. That’s definitely pretty SYNONYM FOR “DARK” sounding, but maybe not so SYNONYM FOR “SCARY” since it is more or less typical Blackest Ever Black fare. I don’t know though, reader. You can decide for yourself; after all, you’re the one who gets to fill in all these adjectives later! Check out “Hallway” off the album below. You can also preorder the thing over at the Blackest Ever Black site.

Retreival tracklisting:

01. Harbor
02. Switch
03. So How Much Do You Know About Me?
04. Hallway
05. Repeating Pit
06. Retrieval
07. Birds Eye

• Mamiffer:
• Oakeater:
• Blackest Ever Black:

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