Ceremony’s got a new LP coming out on Matador. They just announced their summer tour dates. It’s almost July and your local venue just hit a solid 110 °F inside. If you’ve ever been to a Ceremony show, you know, regardless of season, it’s totally like an angry sauna (we’re talking fervent and fermented, girl). We know you don’t want the pertinent information about the tour (news is boring). You’ve only got one question on your mind: “TMT, what the hell do I wear?” We’ve got a quiz for that:
01. You’re waiting to get inside the venue. Three of your best friends are wearing jean jackets even though it’s a solid 90 ° outside and they are so throwing shade at you for insisting on wearing boat shoes in the pit. Which one of these funny words would you use to best describe your friends?
A. Injudicious
B. Misguided
C. Ill-advised
D. Sagacious
Correct answer: Anything but D. Can anyone explain the logistics behind wearing a jean jacket in the summer? What kind of life is that?
02. Which Ceremony song title best describes your own personal style?
A. “Feel Like a Man”
B. “You’re All the Same”
C. “It’s Going to be a Cold Winter”
D. “Vagrant”
E. “Plutocratic Swine Rake”
Correct answer: Who cares? You do you! Just kidding, the correct answer is D.
03. If you could choose ONE opening band on this tour to party with, who would it be? And you can’t say “Ceremony” — I’m partying with those guys!!!
A. Angel Du$t
B. Forced Order
C. Dangers
D. Nothing (the band, not a snarky answer)
E. Boris (huge fans of wearing jackets during July)
F. All of the above
Correct answer: F. All those bands are awesome.
Quiz result: You got Shorts! You’re wild, free, but also prudent, and you love to liberate your epidermis. Everyone’s going to think you’re so fly at the Ceremony show. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with boat shoes.
Share your quiz results on your favorite social network, and also at one of the many tour dates below:
07.08.14 - Portland, OR - Slabtown
07.09.14 - Seattle, WA - The Black Lodge
07.10.14 - Boise, ID - The Crux
07.11.14 - Salt Lake City, UT - The Shred Shed ***
07.12.14 - Denver, CO - Marquis Theater ***
07.13.14 - Omaha, NE - Slowdown Jr. ***
07.14.14 - St. Louis, MO - The Demo %
07.15.14 - Chicago, IL - Subterranean %
07.16.14 - Grand Rapids, MI - Pyramid Scheme %
07.17.14 - Cleveland, OH - Now That’s Class %
07.18.14 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Night Bazaar *
07.19.14 - Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church * &
07.20.14 - Cambridge, MA - The Sinclair *
07.21.14 - Washington, DC - Rock & Roll Hotel *
07.22.14 - Charlotte, NC - Casbah at Tremont Music Hall * %
07.23.14 - Atlanta, GA - Mammal Gallery *
07.24.14 - Orlando, FL - The Social *
07.25.14 - Gainesville, FL - The Atlantic Nightspot
07.26.14 - New Orleans, LA - Mudlark
07.27.14 - Houston, TX - Fitzgerald’s
07.28.14 - Dallas, TX - Trees **
07.29.14 - Austin, TX - Mohawk **
07.30.14 - El Paso, TX - Tricky Falls
07.31.14 - Tucson, AZ - 191 Warehouse
08.01.14 - West Hollywood, CA - Roxy Theatre
08.02.14 - San Francisco, CA - Rickshaw Stop
08.03.14 - Bakersfield, CA - Munoz Gym
* Iron Lung
** Boris
*** Angel Dust, Forced Order
& Nothing, Dangers
# Boris, Nothing
% Nothing
• Ceremony: http://www.ceremonyhc.com
• Matador: http://www.matadorrecords.com
More about: Ceremony