Chris Forsyth. Damn son. I just can’t keep up with you. You’re releasing your experimental guitar jams left and right — from Paranoid Cat and a reissue of 2009’s Dreams (TMT Review) last year to this year’s Early Astral, a collaboration with Mountains’ Koen Holtkamp. And that’s just naming the most recent stuff. Now you’re telling me that you’ve signed to Northern Spy and that you’re releasing another LP called Kenzo Deluxe on July 10? And that you’ve got a teaser video for your soundtrack to Cocksucker Blues, the unreleased Rolling Stones documentary?
And that you’re working on a split cassette for Preservation with Loren Conners? And a collaboration with choreographer Meg Foley? AND that you were awarded a 2011 Pew Fellowship in the Arts?
Lemme know when you announce the rest of those tourdates and the tracklist, alright? I’ll just be over here, pretending that tweeting about conversations I overhear and people I see is productive and cool.
05.11.12 - Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda’s #
07.13.12 - Brooklyn, NY - Death by Audio (NYC Record Release Show) $
07.14.12 - Philadelphia, PA - AUX (Philly Record Release Show) %
07.20.12 - Lafayette, IN - Foam City
07.21.12 - Milwaukee, WI - The Sugar Maple
07.22.12 - Chicago, IL - The Burlington ^
07.24.12 - Minneapolis, MN - Madame of the Arts
07.25.12 - Iowa City, IA - The Mill
# PG Six, Strapping Fieldhands
$ PG Six, Rhyton
% Spacin’ and Mary Lattimore/Jeff Zeigler
^ Mind Over Mirrors & Zelionople
• Chris Forsyth: http://thechrisforsyth.com
• Northern Spy: http://northern-spy.com
• Preservation: http://www.preservation.com.au
More about: Chris Forsyth