“Why are there so many songs about mountains?
— Paul Williams/Kermit the Frog, “Mountain Connection”
This is also basically what classic-indie-rock recreationists Cymbal Eat Guitars named their first record, give or take or move a few words. As suggested, most of the songs on that record were about mountains. Later, they put an album that I believe was about aliens, the second most popular subject for songs. Now, thinking about mountains and aliens is all well and good, but sometimes, you’ve gotta get out there yourself. As such, Cymbals Eat Guitars are going on tour in November, in search of mountains (easy) and aliens (harder). Why else would they be going on tour? Just to play shows? You are naive.
While on search for mountains and aliens, the band will also be playing live some of the new songs they’ve written. These songs are expected to make it to a new record due out next year, following up 2011’s Lenses Alien (TMT Review). Unconfirmed rumor: this new record is a concept album about an alien who is also a mountain. Remember, this is unconfirmed. Wink. Wink. Wink.
Cymbals Eat Guitars dates:
11.05.13 - Los Angeles, CA - The Satellite ^
11.06.13 - San Francisco, CA - The Chapel ^
11.08.13 - Portland, OR - Mississippi Studios
11.09.13 - Seattle, WA - Neumo’s Crystal Ball
11.13.13 - State College, PA - Chronic Town #
11.14.13 - Ferndale, MI - The Loving Touch *
11.15.13 - Chicago, IL - Schuba’s *
11.16.13 - Madison, WI - Der Rathskellar *
11.17.13 - Grand Rapids, MI - Founders Brewery, Co. *
11.18.13 - Oberlin, OH - Dionysus Disco *
11.19.13 - Bloomington, IN - The Bishop *
11.20.13 - Columbus, OH - Ace of Cups *
11.21.13 - Washington, DC - DC9 #
11.22.13 - Philadelphia, PA - The Fire #
11.23.13 - Brooklyn, NY - Knitting Factory #
^ Mrs. Magician
* Stagnant Pools
# Grooms
• Cymbals Eat Guitars: http://cymbalseatguitars.com
More about: Cymbals Eat Guitars