Deadboy announces debut LP of sensuous pop-electronica Earth Body on Local Action, so grab that special someone!

Deadboy announces debut LP of sensuous pop-electronica Earth Body on Local Action, so grab that special someone!
If there's no one special around for you to grab, you can always hold on to yourself.

It may seem like there’s nothing an artist’s fans distrust more than an abrupt turn from pop sensibility toward more “artsy” or “intellectual” destinations like dance/electronica…but the truth is, taking the reverse-route can be even more perilous. Cases-in-point: RJD2 couldn’t get away with pulling out an acoustic guitar, and DJ Shadow jackknifed into a pit of mediocre stubbornness after welcoming some of the most (IMO) uninspired rapping this side of the millennium.

Fortunately, we’ve caught the England-born but Montreal-based Deadboy while his career is still burgeoning, because otherwise, we might also end up taking this latest change in musical style as a similar sort of bullshit “personal affront” to our expectations.

See, where those two artists failed in their (admittedly) bold attempts to branch out, Deadboy has a mere small stack of EPs to live-up to. And let’s face it: nobody can be sure where you’re musically headed yet when EPs and singles comprise the whole of your oeuvre! So, in Deadboy’s case, it’s like — “yeah, those are my own autotuned vocals crooning sensuously all over the top of my debut full-length album for the Local Action label. Whatchugonnadoaboutit?

That debut album is entitled Earth Body, and it comes out on out May 19. The music contained within its spacious, full-length borders is clearly a contrast from the danceable work that fit snugly into his former London scene. His 2011 EP Here was definitely an attention-getter at the time. Then White Magick foreshadowed the slowdown, and now we have something more immediately emotional — an admitted “pop record,” inspired by a “long-standing love of Scott Walker, Sade, Drake, and the Beach Boys.”

Oh well. Ride or get off the horse, as the personification of this video for album-opener “Caballero” might say:

Earth Body tracklisting:

01. Caballero
02. Water Body
03. Tide
04. Rain
05. Orion
06. Virtue Coast
07. Lo Heat
08. There is a Light
09. Laurier

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