DJ Shadow launches Liquid Amber imprint and Liquid Amber EP

DJ Shadow launches Liquid Amber imprint and Liquid Amber EP

DJ Shadow a.k.a. Joshua Paul Davis’ profile in dance music has seen some dramatic highs and a few lulls, but the undeniably influential DJ and producer has returned with news of a record label and a new EP called Liquid Amber! Not since 2011’s The Less You Know, The Better have we seen an original release from the California artist, and this one is dropping on Davis’ own imprint, which shares the same name.

To inaugurate his primarily digital label, Davis wrote a letter that begins with “Dear Music Lover” (adorable) and includes info about his intentions, which are kind of hazy at the moment but still exciting. “Whatever feels right” seems to be the guiding mantra here — there’s no website for Liquid Amber yet, and no announced releases on the horizon, but don’t doubt that Shadow has something in the works. For now, Shadow’s Liquid Amber EP features two new compositions: the jungle- and footwork-inspired “Ghost Town” and the slinky bass weirdness of “Mob.” There’s even a remix of “Six Days” from Brooklyn’s Machinedrum.

So, budding producers! Send all your hottest cuts to and maybe you’ll be next on the Liquid Amber roster. Until that happens, the full Liquid Amber EP can be streamed below.

• DJ Shadow:

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