Hell, even if you aren’t inclined to make the national rounds in pursuit of a total festival season experience, sticking geographically close is bound to pliers-pluck the fingernails off your bank account, as so many festivals out there count on big names to justify three-figure pass prices. Fortunately, one exception to this is GOLDRUSH Music Festival in Denver. The event — presented this year by IMPOSE, with Tiny Mix Tapes sponsoring one of its stages — will be celebrating its fifth edition September 18-19 and has historically been (and continues to be) on the smiling side of audiences with their entirely reasonable prices and booking of niche, almost sneakingly talented acts. Unfamiliar names should be seen as a boon to any potential festival goers; yell out these names on various Denver streets in order to express your superior open-mindedness!
Added to the list of possible proclamations: electronic musician Pictureplane, Utah-based purveyor of the low-key Braeyden Jae, A/V artist Amulets a.k.a. Randall Taylor, and déCollage, an artistic outfit hailing from the Denver area. They join a lineup that includes Yoni Wolf (WHY?), Guardian Alien, Lawrence English, Tara Jane O’Neil, Benoît Pioulard, and about a dozen more that you can review in full here.
Single-day passes are also available now, which wasn’t the case at the time of our last GOLDRUSH announcement. Purchase yours here, and let the pleasant warmth of frugality wash over you like a bath of melted butter. Gold solidifies at room temperature, you know.
• GOLDRUSH Music Festival: http://www.goldrushmusicfest.com
• Denver Small Press Fest: https://www.facebook.com/denversmallpressfest
More about: Pictureplane