Modern Uglemanian theory holds Hampton Roads scholar Travis Miller responsible for the authorship of Richmond rapper Lil Ugly Mane, as well as various other musical side projects and personae, including Sean Kemp, Yung Gus (of The Legacy), Spook Lo, The Complaint Register, Across, Adult Moan, Sex of Distance, and GKRL. Last night, at approximately 8:22 PM EST, Miller or someone else purporting to be Lil Ugly Mane returned to Bandcamp to complete the Three-Sided Tape trilogy with Third Side of Tape. Never one to slack in his mack, Miller packed this possibly penultimate LUM release with over two hours of genre-spanning materials, including several songs previously leaked through the unauthorized compilation Always Been Here, which was clearly the work of some obsessive weirdo. What a wack job, right?!
Anyway, Miller went on to confirm that Three Sided Tape Volume 1 and Volume 2 will be released physically, presumably as part of the forthcoming Ormolycka box set anthology Gone and Forgotten / Rest In Peace. He then babbled a bit before lauding the merits of Pee-wee’s Big Adventure and The Descendents’ “I Quit,” sending an epitaph to a Talmudic fat boy and closing with, “maybe you shouldn’t be so stratfordian,” a suggestion that can only be interpreted to mean Travis Miller is actually not the mane behind this Lil Ugly after all. Huh?
Stream Third Side of Tape below, and check out volumes One and Two at the bottom of our Favorite Albums of 2013.
• Lil Ugly Mane: https://liluglymane.bandcamp.com
• Ormolycka: http://www.ormolycka.com
More about: Lil ugly mane