“Gunna eat that stage up like lobster and foie gras.”
– GFOTY, philosopher
‘Member when we recently ‘nnounced PC Music and SOPHIE’s appearance at Red Bull Music Academy NY? And ‘member it was enigmatically called Pop Cube? Wow, you do? You actually read this piece of shit website?? Cool, thanks! Anyway, turns out Pop Cube is the new “mass media network” from PC Music and SOPHIE, and it will debut May 8 at RBMA NY. Details are fuzzy, but Pop Cube currently has a website up, which includes a link to an APPEARANCE RELEASE FORM AND VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT PDF that mentions stuff like “Pop Cube Entertainment News,” Dux Content’s “Jungle Jam” (a children’s TV show), and basically turns you into A. G. Cook or something. I don’t know, read it!
In addition to the launch of Pop Cube, the participants in the RBMA event have been announced. I will be listing the participants in this paragraph. So, without further ado, here are those participants: QT, Hannah Diamond, GFOTY, SOPHIE, A. G. Cook, and Danny L Harle.
A second round of tickets for the May 8 event go on sale this Friday at 10 AM EST. More info here.
• Pop Cube: http://popcu.be
• RBMA NY: http://www.redbullmusicacademy.com/nyc
More about: A. G. Cook, Danny L Harle, GFOTY, Hannah Diamond, PC Music, QT, SOPHIE