If you need that something but don’t know what it is, then all ears here, please: SOPHIE has just unveiled the final single off PRODUCT. Titled “VYZEE,” the bouncy, effervescent, squishy, bubbly, fizzy, vivacious little banger — which garnered a cultish following when SOPHIE dropped it during last year’s Boiler Room set — fits snuggly on PRODUCT between the rubber-band trap beats of “MSMSMSM” and the beautiful squall of “L.O.V.E.”
PRODUCT is out this Friday, which is when those who pre-ordered will automatically receive the second downloadable batch of singles (“MSMSMSM,” “VYZEE,” “L.O.V.E.,” and “JUST LIKE WE NEVER SAID GOODBYE”). And if you ordered the insertable version of PRODUCT, you’ll also get an “exclusive audio track” on Friday. Whether or not it’s the same song as the bonus “GET HIGHER” track from the Japanese edition is unknown. What is known, however, is that there is a bonus track called “GET HIGHER” on the Japanese edition. Cute!
Speaking of cute, SOPHIE has confirmed dates for 2016, and QT is coming along for the bulk of them! Check out those dates and “VYZEE” below, and then get whatever hole(s) you want nice and lubed for Friday’s silicon date. As the wise philosopher GFOTY once put it, “I’m so ready to bone, like Medusa on a party phone.”
12.02.16 - Miami, FL - Art Basel
01.20.16 – Berlin, DE – Berghain
01.21.16 – London, UK – Village Underground
01.23.16 – Glasgow, UK – SWG3
02.01.16 – Auckland, NZ – Laneway ;)
02.05.16 – Adelaide, AUS – Laneway ;)
02.05.16 – Sydney, AUS – Oxford Arts Factory ;)
02.06.16 – Brisbane, AUS – Laneway ;)
02.07.16 – Sydney, AUS – Laneway ;)
02.10.16 – Melbourne, AUS – Howler ;)
02.13.16 – Melbourne, AUS – Laneway ;)
02.14.16 – Perth, AUS – Laneway ;)
;) with QT
PRODUCT tracklist:
01. BIPP
02. ELLE
04. HARD
07. L.O.V.E.