Red Bull Music Academy Festival holds events all over the world, including one annually in New York. But did you know that Red Bull Music Academy is making its West Coast debut this year by bringing the festival to Los Angeles? And that it’ll happen through a series of events occurring throughout October? And that it’ll feature “world premieres” from SOPHIE and St. Vincent; “multimedia performances” from Arca, Jlin, Total Freedom, Yves Tumor, and Silent Servant; a performance by Ryoji Ikeda using a synthesizer orchestra with 100 cars; conversations with Ice-T and Edgar Wright; and much, much more??
Well, in you case you didn’t know and, more importantly, to fatten up this news story: Red Bull Music Academy is making its West Coast debut this year by bringing the festival to Los Angeles. It’ll happen through a series of events occurring from October 6-29 and will feature “world premieres” from SOPHIE and St. Vincent; “multimedia performances” from Arca (in collaboration with Taran Allen), Jlin, Total Freedom, Yves Tumor, and Silent Servant; a performance by Ryoji Ikeda using a synthesizer orchestra with 100 cars; conversations with Ice-T and Edgar Wright; and much, much more.
Full event details and ticket information are expected August 22. For now, l◕◕kie below for a list of other performers, clicky here for some website FUN, and stay tuned for more hard-hitting journalism from your friends at Tiny Mix Tapes.
Red Bull Music Academy Festival Los Angeles performers:
Christoph De Babalon
Disgorge (MX)
Katie Gately
Motohiro Kawashima
Ryoji Ikeda
Silent Servant
St. Vincent
The Ecstatic World of Alice Coltrane Turiyasangitananda
Total Freedom
Uncle Jamm's Army (Egyptian Lover, Ice-T & The Glove, Bobcat, Arabian Prince, Alonzo Williams, L.A.
Dream Team AKA Snake Puppy and General Jeff, Dr. Funkenstein)
Yuzo Koshiro
Yves Tumor
+ More
Alice Bag, Bappi Lahiri, Edgar Wright, Floria Sigismondi, Ice-T
Bernie Grundman, Sylvia Massy, Benjamin Tierney
More about: Alice Coltrane, Alonzo Williams, Arabian Prince, Arca, Bobcat, Christoph De Babalon, Dam-Funk, Disgorge, Dr. Funkenstein, Dream Team, Eartheater, Egyptian Lover, General Jeff, Ice-T, Jlin, Katie Gately, Kode9, Motohiro Kawashima, NGUZUNGUZU, Ryoji Ikeda, SADAF, Silent Servant, SOPHIE, St. Vincent, The Glove, Total Freedom, Transmetal, Tygapaw, Uncle Jamm's Army, Yuzo Koshiro, Yves Tumor