M.E.S.H. announces Hesaitix, yet another digital confrontation in LP form, on PAN

M.E.S.H. announces Hesaitix, yet another digital confrontation in LP form, on PAN
Photo: Nadine Fraczkowski

Subsequent to getting a whiff of any new music from SHAPE-affiliated artist M.E.S.H., some listeners might feel the need to gird their proverbial loins in caution, while I personally usually feel the need to mainline caffeine and hit the freeweights. But just as these choices may vary among individuals, so too does the severity of noises across the handful of Berlin-based producer James Whipple’s albums.

Dedekind Cut signs to Kranky, announces new album Tahoe

Dedekind Cut signs to Kranky, announces new album Tahoe
Tahoe cover art by Mikie Pellarono

Fred Welton Warmsley III, the dynamic, multi-aliased producer from Northern California, has signed to Kranky Records and announced Tahoe, his second full-length Dedekind Cut album.

Charles Duvelle and Hisham Mayet The Photographs of Charles Duvelle: Disques Ocora and Collection Prophet

[Sublime Frequencies; 2017]

Styles: counterintuitions, frequency refusals, unsayability
Others: John Berger, Derek Walcott, Tina M. Campt

“Seeing comes before words.”


[Beatrice & Annie; 2017]

Styles: reconstructed, iconic
Others: James Ferraro, Arca, Lee Gamble

When you begin to read a music review, are you wondering: what is the image of the world this implies? Many of us are locked in a struggle to rediscover the comprehensive worldview. But however we look at it, the world is increasingly like an icon: flat, impermanent, made to be remembered. “Globe logo concept free vector.” Unlicensed and infinitely scalable. To have no required context, like that world we’re beginning to see in a new light.

RIP: Tom Petty

RIP: Tom Petty
Photo: musicisentropy

“Music is probably the only real magic I have encountered in my life. There’s not some trick involved with it. It’s pure and it’s real. It moves, it heals, it communicates and does all these incredible things.”
– Tom Petty

From Tom Petty’s manager, Tony Dimitriades:

Thom Yorke (Phil Selway’s touring guitarist) adds new tour dates and reissues Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes

Thom Yorke (Phil Selway's touring guitarist) adds new tour dates and reissues Tomorrow's Modern Boxes



You know what? Never-the-fuck-mind. We’re fucking sooooo sick and tired of “hyping” any/all Radiohead-related news to you guys all the time.


2017: Third Quarter Favorites From Avey Tare & Angelo Badalamenti to White Suns & White Poppy

If you do not wish to perform the functions described in the event of an emergency, please ask a flight attendant to reseat you.

For each year's first three quarters, we celebrate by sharing a list of our favorite music releases. Unlike our year-end lists, these quarter features are casually compiled, with an aim to spotlight the underdogs and the lesser-heard among the more popular picks. More from this series

Feature Type: 
Field Items
Staff Feature
Field Items

From Avey Tare & Angelo Badalamenti to White Suns & White Poppy

Field Items
Fri, 2017-09-01

As we stumble into the final quarter of the year, TMT would like to temper the political incoherence and informational carelessness of the last few months with another transmission from our trusty quarter-list propaganda machine. And you, dear reader, are invited!

Field Items

For each year's first three quarters, we celebrate by sharing a list of our favorite music releases. Unlike our year-end lists, these quarter features are casually compiled, with an aim to spotlight the underdogs and the lesser-heard among the more popular picks. More from this series

Favorite Rap Mixtapes of September 2017 From Peewee Longway & Kodie Shane to UnoTheActivist & Chief Keef

Column Type: 
Field Items
Favorite Mixtapes
Field Items

From Peewee Longway & Kodie Shane to UnoTheActivist & Chief Keef

Field Items
Fri, 2017-09-01
Field Items

With a cascade of releases spewing from the likes of DatPiff, LiveMixtapes, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud, it can be difficult to keep up with the overbearing yet increasingly vital mixtape game. In this column, we aim to immerse ourselves in this hyper-prolific world and share our favorite releases each month. The focus will primarily be on rap mixtapes — loosely defined here as free (or sometimes free-to-stream) digital releases — but we’ll keep things loose enough to branch out if/when we feel it necessary.

♫♪  Chocolate Grinder Mix 122 - A FAREWELL TO SUMMER, AN ODE TO FALL

“But I hear sounds in my mind;
Brand new sounds in my mind”

– Lorde

When autumn comes, I bloom anew;
The Russian frost does wonders for my health;
Anew I fall in love with life’s routine:
Betimes I’m soothed by dreams, betimes by hunger caught;
The blood flows free and easy in my heart,
Abrim with passion; once again, I’m happy, young,
I’m full of life - such is my organism
(Excuse me for this awful prosaism)

– Alexander Pushkin

Klein Tommy

[Hyperdub; 2017]

Styles: new, languidity, in silhouette, prologue
Others: Yves Tumor, Embaci, Actress, B2K, Foo Fighters, Sun Ra

Three years ago, Total Freedom released 10,000 Screaming Faggots, perhaps the most provocatively defining moment in a string of totalizing mixes that hog-tied culture in a progressive and cataclysmic roast.

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