Basically, this was inevitable.
Philistines probably won’t understand; it’s just how the “Artistic Process” works.
First, you labor and struggle for months-to-years on a masterwork, forging in the smithy of your soul the uncreated conscious of your race.
Then, you carefully plot a selfless mission of nationwide proselytization so that you might not only gather together, but ultimately cleanse and re-baptize the hopeless gaggles of gentiles so that they may enter freshly into the new life-eternal espoused by your cunning ark full of archetypes.
THEN — you decide that that baptism would probably stick best if you and everyone in attendance was naked-as-fuck so you could splatter the entire assembly of tits, dicks, and asses with “stuff that looks like milk.”
Oh, and somewhere between steps 2 and 3, you Instagram about it:
Oh fuck..!!! @mileycyrus is planning a show where her, the band ( us ) and the audience are all COMPLETELY naked with milk ( well white stuff that looks like milk) is being being spewed everywhere .. It’s a video ( in the works) for #mileycyrusandherdeadpetz song The Milky Milky Milk… @stevendrozd @derek_levi_brown @mileycyrus @katyweaver @spacefacemusic @rockworth @leochandler @fantastic_ley @jgeeezus @zacharyancox @alphachanneling @mugglinstagram @monamuseum @happyhippiefdn @waynez__world @weirddestiny @drc3p0 @damienhirst #flaminglips #waynecoyne #mileycyrusandherdeadpetz #theflaminglips
“Oh Fuck…!!!” is about right.
Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz Tour Dates:
11.19.15 - Chicago, IL - Riviera Theatre
11.21.15 - Detroit, MI - The Fillmore
11.27.15 - Washington, DC - Echostage
11.28.15 - New York, NY - Terminal 5
12.05.15 - Philadelphia, PA - Electric Factory
12.06.15 - Boston, MA - House of Blues
• Miley Cyrus: http://www.mileycyrus.com
• Flaming Lips: http://www.theflaminglips.com
More about: Miley Cyrus, The Flaming Lips