Actress AZD

[Ninja Tune; 2017]

Styles: normalization, equalization, compression, impression, touch
Others: Laurel Halo, Autechre, Mark Fell, Andy Stott, Four Tet, Chino Amobi, James Ferraro

AZD returns blood flow, allows full movement and touch.

Constellation Tatsu label unveils its “Spring Batch” of 2017 releases, premieres new tracks from each, reveals its favorite Ninja Turtle (currently Donatello) and food (pizza, duh)

Constellation Tatsu label unveils its "Spring Batch" of 2017 releases, premieres new tracks from each, reveals its favorite Ninja Turtle (currently Donatello) and food (pizza, duh)
So many fresh, seasonal records; so little time...

Ahhh, spring: the season for blooming, for romance, and for spending a long afternoon making up for how little cleaning you did during the winter (it’s time to wash those four cups you’ve had on the dresser since Christmas, friend).

And now, like a newborn bunny-rabbit hopping through a field of wildflowers, our friends at the Constellation Tatsu label have emerged from hibernation with adorable (read: “good”) news: their “Spring Batch” 2017 is just around the bend.

Felicia Atkinson announces new album Hand In Hand on Shelter Press, then shields her face from our exploding minds

Felicia Atkinson announces new album Hand In Hand on Shelter Press, then shields her face from our exploding minds

Aw YEAH, you guys…Guess who’s got TWO THUMBS and is about to release their “most ambitious body of work” in the form of a new full-length album next month?!

Oh…me? GOD, NO. (My most ambitious bodies of work are usually inordinately-tall peanut butter sandwiches.) I was talking about French-based composer, visual artist, and (someday!) official TMT artist-in-residence Félicia Atkinson.

YATTA Spirit Said Yes!

[PTP; 2017]

Styles: jazz, home, drone
Others: Fats Waller, Early Animal Collective, Mica Levi & Oliver Coates

Spirit Says Yes!, the first1 album by Sierra Leonean-American artist and musician YATTA makes me ask questions. Of place: What is home? Where is home? Of belonging: How does one belong? What does it mean to belong? Of self: What is an “I”? Where is this “I”? Her music, at once playful and tender, intimate and abrasive, plants these questions in my brain. It soothes and probes, loops and folds, navigating the vexed existence of the I who is not-at-home.

♫♪  James Ferraro - Fanfare For The Boston Marathon 2017

Sounds like James Ferraro is getting sucked up into all the modern-classical influence of his current tour mate (and half of Skaters), Typhonian Highlife, with a bit of Fanfare For The Boston Marathon 2017. Staring Donnie Wahlberg, James is mistakenly emailed the new route for the 2017 Marathon and is met at a crossroads with lots and lots of American flag manufacturers.

The Caretaker Everywhere at the end of time - Stage 2

[History Always Favours The Winners; 2017]

Styles: Random erratic surges, with sparrowlike childtrebling, orphans in identical and uniform blue denim in and out of remembering
Others: plaque tangles loop loose ends

It’s so beautiful I don’t want to talk about decay.

Beauty and decay weren’t separate, not at the start. They were born together, contracted in the same lifeline. We register our bodies in languages of beauty, this sensory aesthetic: we see the strength of muscles and the acumen of thought, and we call it grace. Wellness and wholeness feels beautiful.

♫♪  Lil Yachty - “Peek A Boo ft. Migos”

Today is a day for new music.

No day before this day has even been as bountiful.

Let us pray this keeps happening.

Upgrayedd Smurphy (fka Smurphy) resurrects herself for new album HYPNOSYS, probably has a TON of cool new wizardy powers now

Upgrayedd Smurphy (fka Smurphy) resurrects herself for new album HYPNOSYS, probably has a TON of cool new wizardy powers now

Okay, Dr. Hypnotist — WTF? I have, like, a million questions for you right now.


And: when THE HELL did Mexico-city-based, jungle/electronic master-mangler known as Smurphy pull the old “Gandolf the Gray from Lord of the Rings” trick of dying and coming back to life as the new, improved entity known as Upgrayedd Smurphy?

Dustin Wong & Takako Minekawa are all-about euphorically announcing things, announce new album Are Euphoria while they’re at it

Dustin Wong & Takako Minekawa are all-about euphorically announcing things, announce new album Are Euphoria while they're at it
Wong & Minekawa are euphoria. Fans are enthusiasm.

If you’re any kind of a J-pop fan, you’re probably at least somewhat familiar with the exuberant (some might say: “euphoric?”) but generally safe, predetermined roadmaps usually offered through the genre’s jovial and anthropomorphic-fauna-dotted landscape. But what happens when one of its purveyors comes along and offers you a less-straight path?

Arca Arca

[XL; 2017]

Styles: neo-romantic, contemporary dance, sexuality, pain, sadness
Others: Björk, Dedekind Cut, Sigur Ros, serpentwithfeet, doon kanda

“Roses that wear roses
Enjoy mirrors.
Roses that wear roses must enjoy
The flowers they are worn by.
Roses that wear roses are dying
With a mirror behind them.
None of us are younger but the roses
Are dying.
Men and women have weddings and funerals
Are conceived and destroyed in a formal
Roses die upon a bed of roses
With mirrors weeping at them.”

– “Homosexuality,” Jack Spicer, 1945

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