Lolina (Inga Copeland) returns with Lolita EP

Lolina (Inga Copeland) returns with Lolita EP

Lolina, the moniker of the already-monikered Inga Copeland (formerly of Hype Williams), returns today with a three-track EP titled Lolita.

Old Maybe Piggity Pink

[Ramp Local; 2017]

Styles: no wave, slimy, prog, punk, warts, snorts
Others: Palberta, Mars, Yowie, Odwalla88, Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, Slugs, Macula Dog, Gem Jones,

Piggity Pink spurts, stews, bumps, boils, and gleeks. Its breath is a falling apart, a rash on the skin of a creature rock-hard and warted. The monster retorts, “I never asked to be born like this.” The advocate suggests they might try, “I never asked to be born into this,” because we can all (mostly all) understand the pains of a world of contradiction. Yes, acute daily pangs provide a mirror, and although it is warped, it serves a function. Mostly, the monster feels fine. The monster sleeps, eats, shits, and thinks.

The New Year Snow

[Undertow; 2017]

Styles: “slowcore,” “sadcore,” good ol’ indie rock
Others: Bedhead, Duster, Yo La Tengo, Wilco

Although by most accounts they never made it big, Dallas five-piece Bedhead spent just under a decade carving out their own space in the hearts of a charmed few. In its short seven-year existence, the act quietly released three outstanding records that were hushed and consistent at a time when the underground was anything but stable. With a few pedals, chords, and a stable simplicity of form, brothers Matt and Bubba Kadane knitted textural tones from layer upon layer of endlessly-pounded guitar, only to retreat back to a sluggish, downtempo torpor.

Sophiaaaahjkl;8901 Toilet Abstraction Tapes

[Business Casual; 2017]

Rating: 4/5

Styles: plunderwave, beat-music, “post-vapor”
Others: Macintosh Plus, The Avalanches, Beat Detectives

“Wait… At certain moments my body is illuminated… It is very curious. Suddenly I see into myself… I can make out the depths of the layers of my flesh; and I feel zones of pain… rings, poles, plumes of pain.”
– Paul Valery


What does not fade is a feeling of alienation & discomfort. & the more vague & imprecise, the more poetic. As if in a world after the end of the world.

Cornelius announces first album in 11 Years Mellow Waves, shares video for new song “If You’re Here”

Cornelius announces first album in 11 Years Mellow Waves, shares video for new song "If You're Here"
Yes, dudes and dudettes: Major League Butt-kicking is back in town.

Okay. That’s a wrap! We can all de-activate our SoundClouds and go home now. Turns out that Cornelius — a.k.a. Japanese producer Keigo Oyamada; a.k.a. the ORIGINAL sound-collage-maestro and top-shelf orchestrator of playful, electro-acoustic music, a.k.a…uh, well, CORNELIUS, man! — is back. He wants to thank all us amateur tinkerers for holding down the fort, but he’s he’s pretty much got it from here!

Oh, lucky day! Elf Power release new album Twitching in Time TODAY, premiere full-album stream on TMT (also TODAY)!

Oh, lucky day! Elf Power release new album Twitching in Time TODAY, premiere full-album stream on TMT (also TODAY)!

Although loosely attributed to 17th century poet John Milton, the quip “Luck is the residue of design” is more often referenced with the pioneering baseball executive Branch Rickey in mind. His full quote on the subject went something like: “good luck is what is left over after intelligence and effort have combined at their best.” Add a little something about “doing good stuffs” and you can pretty much can sum-up the career of famed lo-fi all-stars Elf Power.

Pharmakon Contact

[Sacred Bones; 2017]

Styles: sympathetic industrial, assaultive empathy, compassion as capital
Others: The Body, Jenny Hval, Wolf Eyes

The man in the skin bag has leaned some organs on the table top in front of me and is lipping some words my way. We’re sitting in the coffee shop, and it’s pretty quiet, but I can’t understand a single word from this big man.

He is a big man. He is broader than me in shoulder and timbre, and you can see the brain veins on his scalp under the clipper-kissed lines of fuzzed black buzz. His haircut is good and probably bi-weekly. His skin is darker than mine, his lips are fuller, his cuticles more attended to than my asymmetrically-manicured dirt mines.

Kara-Lis Coverdale Grafts

[Boomkat Editions; 2017]

Rating: 4/5

Styles: veridical conditional, brain meme
Others: Tim Hecker, Fennesz, GAS, Sarah Davachi, David Sutton, Wheezy

Still alive. First the vacuum fills with a warm something, like an organ hum or the static of recorded space. There are the chimes from the clock on my grandma’s wall, ringing on the hour all through the night, even when no one could be expected to be listening. Then there’s the idea of Kara-Lis Coverdale’s contributions to my two favorite Virgins tracks (“Live Room” & “Live Room Out”).

Expressway Yo-Yo Dieting Undone Harmony Following

[Type; 2017]

Styles: hellish hip-hop, anamorphosis, distortion
Others: Einstürzende Neubauten, Lil Ugly Mane

Elephant in the room: Yes, the DJ Screw comparison is inevitable, and yes, a simile along the lines of “Undone Harmony Following is like a Screw tape unearthed from the rubble of a boiler room explosion” would be apt. However, aside from playing with pitch sliders and taste for bottomless bass, the sonic similarities are limited. Instead, we should direct our focus towards DJ Screw’s conceptual legacy.

Lil B makes history by 100% completing Black Ken, calls it his “first official mixtape”

Lil B makes history by 100% completing Black Ken, calls it his "first official mixtape"

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