Colin Stetson All This I Do For Glory

[52Hz; 2017]

Styles: structured improvisation, modern composition, saxophones mistaken for didgeridoos
Others: Anthony Braxton, Sonny Rollins, John Zorn

There are two main features of the music of Colin Stetson, evident on All This I Do For Glory, no more or less than in his previous output. On the one hand, he makes pieces that sound “song-like” without them actually being “songs.” Stetson has, after all, collaborated with Arcade Fire and Bon Iver, and there’s no doubt a whole “indie” sensibility informing his work.

♫♪  AceMo - Black Populous

It’s arrived. If you haven’t already noticed, AceMo is swan diving into all salads, because this level of club has rarely accrued such slaughter neo-punk. Black Populous takes the movement into a BRAND new maneuverable height surpassing all of Ace’s previous Bootleg Tapes or Swim Team releases.

Dean Blunt and Joanne Robertson release album called Wahalla

Dean Blunt and Joanne Robertson release album called Wahalla

Another day, another Dean Blunt story on Tiny Mix Tapes. <3

♫♪  Lil Data - I Was Born To Code (Live Code 2013-2015)

As we reported   6   day(s) ago, PC Music will be releasing something new every day for the month of May. Today, for “Month of Mayhem” release #  8  , we get a new [song/video/album/EP/mix/other] from   Lil Data   titled   I Was Born To Code (Live Code 2013-2015)  .

Mr. Mitch Devout

[Planet Mu; 2017]

Styles: grime, joy, devotion
Others: Letta, Palmistry, Dark0, Arca

Voices are laced through Devout, the second full-length by London-based producer, Mr. Mitch. There is his own voice, low, melodic, kissed by faintest auto-tune. There are the voices of his collaborators — rappers (P Money) and singers (Denai Moore, Palmistry, Py).

♫♪  Guys Next Door (Oneohtrix Point Never + A. G. Cook?) - “Behind The Wall”

As we reported   4   day(s) ago, PC Music will be releasing something new every day for the month of May. Today, for “Month of Mayhem” release #  6  , we get a new [song/video/album/EP/mix/other] from   Guys Next Door   titled   “Behind The Wall”  .

Grime MC Blay Vision announces debut album Turner Ave. on Lit City Trax, shares video for “Gone Mad” (feat. Jme)

Grime MC Blay Vision announces debut album Turner Ave. on Lit City Trax, shares video for "Gone Mad" (feat. Jme)
Photo: Ashes57

Oh. Hey, LOSER.

How’s it going today, you BITCH-FACE??

What? Something wrong, DINGUS???

Oh sorry; nothing personal. I’m just trying to get you fucking furious enough to fully-appreciate the latest release from London-based grime purveyors Lit City Trax.

Lil Yachty goes to prom in “Bring It Back” video, announces the “Teenage Tour”

Lil Yachty goes to prom in "Bring It Back" video, announces the "Teenage Tour"
Don't know about you, but it'd really upend my expectations if this "nerd" ends up being the coolest kid at the dance!

Lil Yachty is keeping the hype train rolling boat sailing for his previously-announced debut album Teenage Emotions.

Oneohtrix Point Never and James Ferraro soundtrack artist Jon Rafman’s terrifying video project

Oneohtrix Point Never and James Ferraro soundtrack artist Jon Rafman's terrifying video project
Still from Jon Rafman's Dream Journal

Last night, I had a dream about mining for lapis lazuli in Minecraft. I guess that’s why I’m just a stupid journalist and not a brilliant artist like Jon Rafman, who is premiering a new project in New York titled Dream Journal.

Slowdive Slowdive

[Dead Oceans; 2017]

Styles: shoegaze
Others: Seefeel, AR Kane, Cocteau Twins

~ For the heads ~

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