You know, if I wasn’t such a HARDCORE atheist/nihilist/solipsist, I’d swear that those cats in SunnO))) were on a “divinely inspired” streak of productivity right about now.
More about: Sunn O)))
PC Music founder A. G. Cook shares “Lifeline,” his first single since 2016

Now that Charli’s Charli is almost out, could it be time for PC Music to “PC Music” its way back to hyper-prolificacy??
More about: A. G. Cook, Chairlift
Sabiwa explores dream states and virtual reality on DaBa, coming via Chinabot

Taiwan-born, Berlin-based audio-visual artist Sabiwa has announced her second album, DaBa, the follow-up to the critically acclaimed 輪迴. Out October 2, the release is the artist’s second for Chinabot, a platform and collective created in 2017 to change the dialogue surrounding Asian music (and one of our favorites!). The album will be celebrated October 19 with a release party at Berlin’s ACUD.
More about: Sabiwa
♫♪ Oh Sees - “Snickersnee”

Incoming message from the Oh See himself, John Dwyer:
”Swift Sensations for sensitive times. A tingly twitch triggering tryst. A misused hairbrush.
The swish of the sword , the sk sk sk. of dusk. Best with headphones. Have a laugh.”
Shut your eyes and let the airpods take over. You have become (no, have always been) a disembodied rubber head — featureless save for two protruding ears. Impaled on a mic stand, you are the vessel for the shivery vibrations produced by rattling pom-poms, impatiently tapped nails, and crunched pickles.
More about: Oh Sees, Thee Oh Sees

HTRK Venus in Leo
Styles: isolation, ennui, midnight-or-later
Others: Chromatics, Beach House, some of your post-punk favorites
Horoscopes infuse us with everyday spirituality. The notion that distant stars might be affecting our terrestrial lives is a bit fanciful, but it’s also fun to indulge the less rational parts of our minds. Sure, these readings may tell us what we want to hear, but at the very least, the universe becomes a bit more connected. Then there are those of us who surrender ourselves to our star charts, seeing them as oracles that provide explanations for life’s successes and fuckups.
More about: HTRK
♫♪ Copperhead - “Ball Gag Waltz/Shrunken Hog Head”

Copperhead performs the task of playing out the furious joys and crushing sorrows that define a life. It’s our pleasure to premiere a track from their upcoming album Gazing In The Dark, which will be released via the always forward-thinking PTP.
The double-edged sword of “Ball Gag Waltz/Shrunken Hog Head” opens with some summoning, marching-band style drums that ascend in volume as if town-crying an approaching procession. Movement abounds. Missteps are encouraged—the ballroom dance is taking place without the ballroom.
More about: Copperhead
Keiji Haino, Jim O’Rourke, and Oren Ambarchi team up for succinctly titled new album on Black Truffle

In the mirror and lamp history of straight music and experimental music, it is more often the latter that gets Tiny Mix Tapes readers to come over all, um, unnecessary. You say you like your bone-jarring experimental noise served sweet and neat? Then nothing could be sweeter and neater than a new collaborative release featuring three modern genreless giants: Keiji Haino, Jim O’Rourke, and Oren Ambarchi!
More about: Keiji Haino / Jim O'Rourke / Oren Ambarchi

Sanguisuge Da Affordable Care Act
Styles: “dxWTLusH,” journalism, proto-agriculture
Others: Cordilleran ice sheet, Duwamish land, Northgate Mall
Like much of what is now North America, King County, WA was once entirely covered in ice. Constantly moving over centuries, these massive continental glaciers figured like capricious gods: each carving terrain into geographic fiefdoms bearing unconscious witness to the weepings of the clouds. 19,000 years into the future, humankind has recreated the gods in its own image.
More about: Sanguisuge

Mister Lies Mister Lies
Styles: dreams, memory, immersion
Others: David Sylvian, You’ll Never Get to Heaven, Laurel Halo, How to Dress Well
The moment that I remember is when he threw the book into the waves. It was less like Rhoda in The Waves who threw her bunch of lilacs into the spreading waters and said, “Consume me, carry me to the furthest limit,” she who said the same to a star riding through clouds one night and, with only a thin sheet to protect her fragility from the infinite depths on all sides surrounding her, supposed that she was dying and died.
More about: Mister Lies
Arca stages four-part performance cycle Mutant;Faith at New York’s The Shed

It’s been said that all the world’s a stage, but why appropriate an entire planet for the purposes of individualist expression when you can reduce your footprint and spend your time at a baller-ass (and reasonably scaled) stage like The Shed’s Griffin Theater in NYC?? I assume this comprises at least a substantial portion of the logic Arca applied when conceiving the idea for Mutant;Faith, a four-night performance series at The Shed spanning from September 25–28. At least, I certainly hope so…
More about: Arca
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- Love Potion
clipping. release a 24-hour song, acapella tracks, and a remix album